help for mapping panasonic bb hcm 381 to /dev/video device


I’m trying to get a network camera panasonic bb hcm 381 to work with my application. I can read cameras from /dev/video0 video1 etc. This particuar camera connects over an ethernet interface.

The Software included with the product is windows only so doesnt help

Is there a way to map the device to a local handler like /dev/video?

any help is much appreciated

mangekyoucoder wrote:

> I’m trying to get a network camera panasonic bb hcm 381 to work with my
> application. I can read cameras from /dev/video0 video1 etc. This
> particuar camera connects over an ethernet interface.
> The Software included with the product is windows only so doesnt help
> Is there a way to map the device to a local handler like /dev/video?
> any help is much appreciated

Hum… by reading your camera’s manual, I can see the following options:

a) Setting the camera to send-out (via ftp or e-mail) the images to some
local path (i.e., /home/user/camera_images) and then make your application
to get the files from there.

b) Setting up the camera to store the still images into the SD card and then
configuring your application to get them from there
(i.e., /media/sd_mount_point).

Anyway, take a deep look into the camera’s web frontend setup page, it seems
plenty of options. The only problem you may face is the using of any
ActiveX on behalf of the monitoring software that may force you to use IE
(either using virtual machine or by using another work-around) :frowning:

BTW, Panasonic is a very good brand that makes very good products :slight_smile:

