[HELP]Edit Kickoff Menu

Hi, its my first time here!
I have to confess that after long hours searching for a resolution to my problem and trying somethings really reasonable, finally I decided to post here, hope that you guys can help me.
So, we are a info lab, our intention is that on the kickoff menu in tab ‘leave’ just appear “Restart” and “Shutdown” nomore that this, no switchuser, no logoff, no sleep or hibernate option.
For consecutive days I’ve searching and reading KDE’s files and configs, but was unsuccessful :(, then I start my a search on google, neither Portuguese or English searchs returned me something useful. I’ve tried a lot of tutorials, disabled a lot of options from that files and appended a lot of parameters that, in theory, should resolved my problem. But it didn’t.
What I think I’m looking for is a xml, or something like this, that allow me delete those buttons from kickoff menu.
I have to keep KDE, but resolutions like remove kickoff and then install a new laucher that allow me do this, by deleting some line on its files or that do that natively are welcome too!
[Gnome are not (haha]

Here somethings most commons that i’ve tried:
-Install Kios Admin Tool https://techbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Administration/Kiosk/Keys

Additional Informations
OpenSUSE version: 13.2.20150224 (x86_64) (Harlequin)
KDEversion: 4.14.6

You cannot edit that menu.
But if you disallow Sleep or Hibernate, the corresponding entries will disappear too. See here:

For “Switch user”, you could use a display manager that doesn’t support it, like xdm.
For that just set DISPLAYMANAGER=“xdm” in /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager.

Disabling logoff (and other things) should be able KIOSK, KDE’s lockdown feature:
There’s even a GUI tool to edit the restrictions, “kiosktool”. It’s included in the distribution, just install the package using YaST or zypper.
I have no idea whether this one will work as you want though.

PS, I couldn’t really get kiosktool to work, it doesn’t seem to save the profile anywhere where KDE would respect it (or I wasn’t able to figure out how to do that at least).

But adding those lines to the user’s ~/.kde4/share/config/kdeglobalsrc does remove the “Logout” entry (and Shutdown/Restart too) from the Kickoff menu:

[KDE Action Restrictions]$i]logout=false

For system-wide effect (i.e. for all users), create the file /usr/share/kde4/config/kdeglobals with (exactly) this content.

One is still be able to logout via the desktop’s right-click menu though, but you can remove the “Leave” entry in the “Default Desktop Settings”, reachable in the same menu (Mouse Actions, click on the configure icon next to the “Right Mousebutton” Standard menu (or remove the right-click action altogether there).

Even then it’s still possible to logout via the desktop toolbox icon, but you could drag that below the panel to make it unreachable.

Hi, wolfi323, changing some parameters from kdeglobals, I made some progress. I’ve disabled the logoff as you cited not purposely :confused: haha, and I couldn’t make kiosktool work either. Probably your hints will be helpful, tomorrow I’ll try apply that then I bring some feedback for here.

News: To resolve I changed kickoff to lancelot, then I’ve set the three leave buttons to shutdown. Next step a “.sh” was put on “Autostart” inside /home/.kde4, so, everytime the users enters a new home is created and my .sh is executed. “What does your sh do?” is a sequence of chmods 544 giving only read-execute to files that I judged important to not be edited by user, such as lancelotrc and kdeglobals. Now, the user has no control of lancelot and its buttons, also the shortcuts and KDE restrictions.
here goes the script


chmod 544 -R ~/.kde
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/lancelotrc
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/kdeglobals
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/kmenuedit
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktoprc
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-windowed-appletsrc
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/oxygenrc
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/startupconfigfiles
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/startupconfigkeys
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/systemsettingsrc
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc
chmod 544 ~/.kde4/Autostart/permissions.sh

chown root ~/.kde
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/lancelotrc
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/kdeglobals
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/kmenuedit
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktoprc
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-windowed-appletsrc
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/oxygenrc
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/startupconfigfiles
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/startupconfigkeys
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/systemsettingsrc
chown root ~/.kde4/share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc
chown root ~/.kde4/Autostart/permissions.sh