Help, after update Suse 11.0, I get Sax2 error

I installed SUSe 11.0 on my laptop with Nvidia card. After letting it do the online update, I get the error that graphics system can’t start. How do I restart the graphics subsystem from the command line. Thanks to all!

  • rsdunphy,

short approach:
Login on the console as root.
uname -r (note the kernel version you have, PAE, Default, whatever)
Software Repositories
Community Repositories
Add the NVidia repo

Back in “Software”, go to
Software Management
Search for “NVidia” and add the kernel module which fits the kernel you noted in the first step.

Now try a reboot. It may work. If it doesn’t but brings you back to the prompt:
Login as root
init 3
sax2 -r -m0=nvidia
and reconfigure the beast.
