I have an aspire one which shows BOOTMGR missing…im pretty sure its hard drive is clean(erased)…I restored my usb stick using netbook i386 iso with disk utility on mac 10.4
Do you have a cd drive?
Boot a live cd like Parted Magic and show us
fdisk -l
my pc lingo is minor as Im mac. kids toy pc… but
I did start from a cd (returned it to owner)and shown
stop check for virsues etc, and
technical information
***STOP: 0x0000007b (oxf7a88524, ox0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
I believe the ubuntu was installed twice and the hard drive reformatted or partitions erased when they did run on restart after installation…
Im just thinking Ive built the usb install stick wrong but, im sure its restore it from iso of lucid lynx yet then i get the bootmgr missing. Also keyboard will not take any input and F keys produce tone…
ive tried this restored onto usb stick also same thing. Would the locked restore on hard drive prevent install and boot up from usb?
BOOTMGR is the windows boot manager
This can be repaired with a windows DVD, windows7 has an automatic repair.
As you have made no mention whatsoever of installing openSUSE - only something about Lucid 10.04, I’m not sure how I can help, except to say, if you boot a Live CD like Parted Magic and get me this from a terminal: fdisk -l
I will be able to help - possibly.
Using Parted Magic an Introduction - openSUSE Forums
If I am understanding you right, you have set the bios to boot from harddisk and are getting “BootMgr missing” on an acer aspire one.
If this is the case, it is only telling you your boot sector has no boot code present. This can mean that the whole partition info is gone as well as the boot code, or just the boot code is gone.
As for the USB stick, it will not boot if you set your bios to harddisk only. On this netbook go into your bios and set the the boot order to USBDVD, USBHDD, USBFlash, HDD. IF the USBDVD can’t be found it go to USBHDD (presumably your stick), failing that it will try USBFlash and then when nothing else works try the HDD. In this way you can try to boot your USB stick check your HDD and possibly provide the fdisk -l output to get some help.
I did one of these last month with openSUSE Linux 11.2 dual boot with WindoseXP. This netbook with no operating system does say “No BootManager” instead of the standard error “No Operating System” when dealing with a clean HDD boot partition.