Help - 11.1 upgrade broke vmplayer usb connections

I have WinXP running in VMplayer 2.5.1 on openSuSE. Upgrading to
openSuSE 11.1 has stopped my PDA talking to the WinXP guest OS when it
worked perfectly under 11.0. My USB memory stick has also stopped

When I connect the PDA (Dell Axim X51 running WinCE) or memory stick
WinXP beeps for a USB device connected, but ActiveSync can’t find the
PDA and the disk doesn’t appear to be mounted. The device manager
reports that the driver encountered an error.

As this is the identical VM that was running and working under 11.0 I
don’t think the problem lies with the WinXP guest OS.

Running VMplayer from the console reports no errors. Both lspci on the
host openSUSE and guest WinXP report the devices correctly.

Anyone got any hints please?



markkiteflyer’s Profile:
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Not sure I should answer my own post so rapidly, but I was digging and
digging and found the solution to the PDA problem:

adding the following to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
blacklist ipaq

fixed the problem.

Hope this helps someone else.



markkiteflyer’s Profile:
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Hi Mark. I’d be interested to know how you went about setting up the
WinXP installation in VMWare Player. I just posted about this in the
following thread:

‘virtualization options for win xp guest in opensuse - openSUSE Forums’

Would I be right in assuming you’re using the official proprietary
version of VMPlayer, downloaded from the VMWare site? If so, do they
provide a SUSE-specific package in rpm form? And did you make a fresh
WinXP virtual machine installation or did you manage to copy an existing


gumb’s Profile:
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Hi Gumb,

Not sure that I can help. I run VMware Player 2.5.1 downloaded from
the VMware site as a *.bundle file. I installed it by running as root:
sh ./VMware<version>.bundle

As I had an older version I had to do the fix of removing the old
/usr/lib/vmware/modules/binary folder as found on google.

The virtual machine (WinXP) was built for me as a standard role-out VM
by the work IT dept. I just open it with vmplayer and off it goes.



markkiteflyer’s Profile:
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Okay thanks.

Sounds like it’s still very much a proprietary package and specialised
procedure, which is a bit of a shame. I just hope that if I go down this
route, I won’t find that in the future when I come to upgrade SUSE or
the kernel, etc., that they’ve stopped providing the VMPlayer package or
changed its configuration.


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