
Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I’ve been an (K)Ubuntu user for several years, but last week I installed Opensuse 12.3 KDE on an external hard drive with some free space on it. I must say I was impressed with the default KDE look Suse has, and it doesn’t seem terribly difficult to use. I’m looking forward to getting acquainted with zypper and yast, among other things.

Yeah I have used Kubuntu and ubuntu too, I more or less favor KDE though Unity has really grown on me.
Kubuntu isnt really all that bad these days, its just very stock and bland by default.
They really need an artwork team on Kubuntu, blue systems maintains it and is the main power behind netrunner which is wonderful looking but seems not to want to take people in to theme Kubuntu up.

Welcome to the openSUSE forums oldos2er. Please let us know if we can help you in any way.

Thank You,

Hello and welcome to the openSUSE (that is how it is written) community!

Welcome to openSUSE. I’m sure you will find this forum very helpful. Ask if you have any questions.

I would like to extend my welcome to you as well. If you are used to apt/aptitude way of things this article may help you get acquainted. https://news.opensuse.org/2013/03/22/opensuse-for-new-geekos/#ubuntu

There is also a wrapper for aptitude commands to zypper in the zypper-aptitude package. This allows you to run (for example) aptitude safe-upgrade and have the zypper equivalent run instead.

I hope you like openSUSE!

Thanks all for the welcome, I promise I’ll write openSUSE from now on! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link nightwishfan (are you the nightwishfan who used to be on ubuntuforums.org?)

welcome to openSUSE. Congrats on your transformation into a green gecko
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Yes I am. I think I recognize your name as well. :slight_smile:

Ah, good to see you again.

One more “welcome”