From hello-1.c:
You have misspelled ‘printk’ as ‘printjkk’ in ‘init_module’,
this will cause an error.
You have an extra ‘{’ just prior to ‘void cleanup_module…’,
this will cause an error.
From Makefile:
You are missing the letter ‘o’ on the first line, this should
read ‘obj-m += hello-1.o’
I have fixed these errors to facilitate my testing.
After fixing the above errors, the module compiles cleanly.
> Thanks!
> recompiling kernel solved the issue.
> But new kernel have issue with ndiswrapper. After I install driver I do
> #modprobe ndiswraper
> It says driver module not found.
> Any idea?
> thanks.
Well, you recompiled the kernel…
Did you recompile the ndiswrapper module?
They have to match… and old-kernel ndiswrapper doesn’t match new-kernel.
Yes, it’s that picky. (You can make it less picky… but I doubt you’ll
need to recompile the kernel any more)