Hello suse forum

Just thought i would introduce myself before I plunder your minds. I enjoy long walks on the beach and dinner by candle light! My hobbies include linux masochism and astronomy. If I by chance missed the introductions area feel free to move this post.

P.S. I’m so glad that the world did not end, how am i supposed to watch my magpies win the grand final next season if i’m not here?

Welcome to the forums

LOL. Welcome to the forums.

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Let me also add my welcome to the rest. If you have a problem, you only need to ask for help.

Thank You for using openSUSE,

Welcome to Opensuse & it’s forums, where the plundering is OK as long as you give back some of your plunder.
Where we also have our share of masochists that enjoy candlelight beach walks, long dinners & astronomical Linux headaches!

Finally yes we’re all still here you’ll get to see the magpies & I woke up this morning going."OMG!!! I’M STILL HERE!!!"rotfl!

Welcome @StrangeBrew
Your nic got me thinking of Theakston’s Old Peculiar :wink:

Hello and welcome here.

Allow me to add some more advice (you were already pointed to some usefull links).
Whenever you start asking for help, as you did already about your wireless), never forget to tell which version of openSUSE you use. Very often it is also of importance to know if, and wen yes which, Desktop Environment you use (KDE, Gnome, …).
In the wireless thread that was only unveiled after about 4 hours and five posts. Needless loss of time and energy.

Also the title you used could be better. Mentioning the type of wireless hardware in the title could draw the attention of people using the same device at once. All in your benefit.

Do not forget that most of the people here are very nice (as you saw above), but they are only human, thus not clairvoyant and tending to jump into a problem that fits their interest on first sight. :wink:

And then one more thing that is not obvious to anybody coming here for the first time: please use CODE tags around any computer text you want to copy/paste here in a post. Use the # button from the toolbar in the post editor window to get those tags.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :wink:

Besides reading wiki pages and asking for support on the forums remember to have a lot of fun too :stuck_out_tongue:

The end of the world will come when less expected if you ask me.