HI Guys
I am having problems with a set of headphones connected to my laptop via jacks these are stereo headphones and a little program called audacity.
I cant get the headphones to work properly with the sound any ideas pls??
Do the headphones work with openSUSE when not using audacity ? What version of openSUSE ? What desktop ? KDE ? LXDE ?
no it doesnt, i can hear with the headphones but i cant quite get the mic to work properly, I am using opensuse 12.1 with KDE.
I recommend you install the application pulse audio volume control (pavucontrol) and try to use that to tune your mic. Take a look at the example in this blog post: Pulseaudio Basics for openSUSE with pavucontrol - Blogs - openSUSE Forums
if following the example in that blog does not help, then we need more information on your pc hardware/software configuration. To provide that please provide the URLs (of a summary webpage) that are created by running the diagnostic script noted here:
SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE - Script to run to obtain detailed information. On openSUSE-11.1 and newer that will ask you to run the script
and select the SHARE/UPLOAD option and after the script finishes it will give you a URL to pass to the support personnel. Please post here the output URL/website-address that gives. Just the URL/website-address. You may need to run that script twice (the first time with root permissions to update in the /usr/sbin directory, and the second time to get the URL).
Note if for some reason that gives you no website/url/address then run it with the no-upload option:
/usr/sbin/alsa-info.sh --no-upload
and post the file /etc/alsa-info.txt it creates to Pastebin.comand press SUBMIT on that site and again post here the URL/website-address it provides.
… some clarification on running the script “alsa-info.sh” … when you run:
you should get something like this (if it asks for an update, select NO):
followed by this (select the SHARE/UPLOAD option):
followed by this (its quickest if you simply select ‘NO’ to seeing the output - you will see it on the web page) :
followed by this (where in RED is the URL).
Just post the URL you get (similar to the RED URL in my example, but yours will be different).
Again, if you can not get that, then run this with the no upload option:
/usr/sbin/alsa-info.sh --no-upload
which will create the file /tmp/alsa-info.txt. Copy that file and paste it on Pastebin.com and press submit. That will give you a URL address. Please post that URL here.