hdparm Boot setting

I am asking this because i have openSUSE installed on an external HDD and i don’t use my internal HDD that often, so i don’t need the drive spinning all the time.

Using openSUSE LEAP 15 is this the right way to set hdparm setting so they are not reversed after reboot, shutdown or sleep


Description=hdparm boot

ExecStart=/sbin/hdparm -B127 /dev/X



Description=Local system resume actions
After=suspend.target hybrid-sleep.target hibernate.target

ExecStart=/sbin/hdparm -B127 /dev/X


or is there any other way, because i can’t find




Well i just tried this and can report that it works like it should if someone else needs this.

To start this use

systemctl enable hdparm-boot hdparm-suspend
systemctl start hdparm-boot