Hi folks,
I’m new to openSUSE after having difficulties with the latest couple of Fedora releases. So far, it’s been a pretty smooth transition, with one exception.
I’m having difficulties setting up HDMI audio. I’ve seen a lot of posts on this (and other) forums concerning HDMI audio output, but I haven’t seen anything that exactly suits my needs…
So, I guess I’ll ask for a bit of assistance. Here’s my issue:
I have an AMD 3200 video card (onboard) my motherboard. I’m trying to setup my computer as a media center, connected to my new Plasma TV.
After installing fglrx drivers and such, I got video and display stuff working beautifully, but the HDMI sound didn’t work. I found a number of threads (mostly from Ubuntu’s forums) about similar issues.
“aplay -l” shows my digital device. When I go into “Sound Preferences” (Via the Application menu), I can select the devices to be “ATI HDMI”. Running the test gets me that beautiful “beeping” noise. However, system sounds and firefox sounds do not seem to register.
I could play some audio files from Totem, but not VLC.
Now, I’m starting to think the problem has something to do with pulseaudio, but I have very little experience with it. I ran through some instructions to try to force pulseaudio to add my “ATI HDMI” (editing my /etc/pulse/default.pa file), but it isn’t working.
Sort of at a loss as to how to proceed. If anybody has any tips, other posts/links that might help, I’d very much appreciate it. Just let me know if you need any further information from me…