Having issues with sound: lenovo T520 OpenSuse13.1

It seems like I have this issues periodically. If possible, I’d like to fix the issue permanently.

Here is the collection from also-info:



Ok, so I’m going to try to unwind this a little.

I first became interested in getting sound working – not in general, but on my bose wireless speaker.

Then I found out that I had no sound – at all.

Turns out, that was a stupid-user issue. I have a plug ( without headphones ) that I plug into the headphone jack to try to ensure that the laptop doesn’t make noise. Well, it’s very un-intrusive … so I forgot it was there … But that turned out not to be related to not getting the wireless speaker working.

I had a difficult time getting it to work, but with some random point-and-clicking between these:

  • the multimedia option under launcher->application->configure desktop
  • kde mixer: mixer: audio setup, mixer: select master channel …

And randomly moving things up and down in alsamixer

… suddenly pavucontrol started working as expected.

… frankly, I forget what else I may have been playing with.

However: this link was useless for me:


And everything (magically?) seems to be working now.

At least until I attempt to listen to music without the wireless speaker …

Is there a way to make the linux sound experience less confusing? It seems like it’s been a ****-shoot for the last 5 distros that I’ve used.

For reference, here’s the alsa-info for my system now that everything appears to be more or less working:


We all have to become familiar with the system. A little time and patience, very rewarding.

You could always make a backup of your working PA configuration eg

cp -R ~/.config/pulse/ ~/.config/pulse_backup

then you’re free to change or experiment with PA setting etc, and can always return to a known working state with the backup copy if necessary.