Have SuSE 9.1 personal edition?

Hey all,

I’ve searched everywhere, but I can’t seem to find a SuSE 9.1 iso available for download.

I know it’s not the latest version, but I need it for an archive.

So if anyone knows where one can be found, I would greatly appreciate a response.

Even if you have it on your computer, it would be great if you could make a torrent and seed or similar.

Thanks for reading


> Download SUSE - LQ ISO](http://iso.linuxquestions.org/suse/)

I have a 9.1 Personal box set that I’m happy to let go to a good home, as long as you are happy to pay for shipping.

I have suse 9.1 professional edition,nirmal@nirmal.co.uk

Hi Nirmal,

I have since managed to find a copy on an old mirror somewhere.

Thank you for the reply anyway!
