Have a Belkin Usb F7D2101 Wireless Adapter

Can someone help me configure my Belkin Wireless USB adapter(F7D2101)? I attached the adapter and rebooted the system. I used the hardware info and it is listed but no drivers.

From here:
Getting Your Wireless to Work - openSUSE Forums

tell us about the device

II. What device do you have?

Information about your wireless hardware can be obtained by starting YaST, clicking on Hardware in the left panel and selecting Hardware Information. Henceforth, this sequence will be abbreviated YaST => Hardware => Hardware Information. In the resulting display, check for an entry named “Wireless LAN”. Report its presence/absence in your report.

If you found this entry in your list, then click on its + and find the “Kernel Driver” line, note and report that value.

If the “Wireless LAN” entry is not found, you then need to open either the PCI or USB items to find your wireless device. Just because your wireless device is internal to the computer does not necessarily mean it is PCI as some internal devices are attached to a USB port. Scroll through the entries to find the one that starts with “UDI:” and post it. This line contains the PCI or USB ID that determines which driver is needed for the device. Note: To use copy-and-paste with the Hardware Information listing, you will need to copy it to a file, and then open that file with an editor such as Kedit. The saved listing will not look quite the same as the original, but will have the same information. The UDI line for my USB wireless stick with an RTL8187B chip is “udi = ‘/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_bda_8187_00e04c000001_if0’”. The USB IDs for this device are 0bda:8187 (Leading zeros are suppressed.).

Does YaST > Network Devices > Nework configuration see it or not?

This thread may offer some useful clues:

suse studio- no usb - openSUSE Forums

There are a few chipsets used in these devices, so you have to identify this first.

I googled around and there was a recent thread in Ub* too, which basically puts your device down the toilet.

Have look at what you might use:
USB Wireless Device that works OOTB? - openSUSE Forums