Hardware for virtual XP on openSuse11


My porpose is to install an openSuse 11 and have it as a server (web, ftp, torrents, squid, ipcameras).
Also i want my machine be able to boot virtual XP just for playing a game (COD4 ;))or using Adobe’s software.
So the question is fistly, if i am thinking right this solution for my home :sarcastic: and what processor - MoBo should use…


You can run xp in Linux using virtualbox or vmware. Need a fair bit of ram however games tend not work well in virtual machines. Better of setting up a dual boot. Though i have seem that COD4 can run on Linux Read more here

As for adobe programs it depends on what version i run Photoshop cs2 and dreamweaver 8 in wine with no problems. Photoshop even loads faster than on my xp work machine!
Also run Office 2007


Thanks for the quick reply geoffro.

Very usefull infos. :slight_smile:
If anyone has any suggestions about hardware please post…

Hmm, strange, geffro misunderstands my posting, I clarify, and then both our postings disappear.

On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 21:36 +0000, ken yap wrote:
> It makes no difference to the VM except for more RAM and faster CPU,
> since the OS sees virtualised hardware. Your fancy video card will be of
> no use as the VM will present a vanilla video card to the OS. That’s why
> games don’t perform well.

Actually, VMware supports (oddly enough) DirectX acceleration.
Will work for most things DirectX 8 or less.

It’s not horrible performance either.

direx x 8 nine has been out for what two years ? most good games are DX9