Hardware Changes

Hey all,

I’ve got two questions about hardware with OpenSUSE:

  1. The first question I have is about adding RAM after my installation. Because I only have 1GB of RAM in my system at the moment, getting another 2GB has been a consideration. My question is: does adding this extra RAM require any manual configuration for OpenSUSE to recognize it after my installation. Considering I installed OpenSUSE with only 1GB in my system, does that mean I have to manual configure YaST to see the new RAM if I add it?

  2. My second question pertains for hard-drive RAID configuration. Besides (or if I don’t do number 1), I was considering getting another hard-drive and hooking it up to my system, since I only have a small amount of space available on the current hard-drive. I’ve got two questions about this: the first is strictly an OpenSUSE question; if I install the second hard-drive, how would I get OpenSUSE to recognize it and how would I configure RAID settings for the dual hard-drives? The second question is more of an opinion question: how would you suggest I set up the 2 hard-drives for optimal performance. At the moment, my current hard-drive has 160GB, with Windows taking up 80GB and about 70GB going to OpenSUSE (some of the space was lost due to software partitioning discrepancies and other miscellaneous things), so I have about 14GB left in the root partition and about 31GB left in the home partition, so I have a good amount left, so would it be a better idea to set it up for performance and not gain the extra space from the new hard-drive (RAID 0) or simply skip the RAID configuration and use the new hard-drive for space? Which would be easier for OpenSUSE users to do, and which do you think would be better in my situation?

Thanks in advanced! :slight_smile:

It is very much appreciated! :slight_smile:

  1. Unless you add a huge amount of RAM and need to reconfigure the kernel I belive it will only thank you :wink:
  2. Have no idea :). Never used RAID but I would suggest looking into LVM or something like that because if you do a basic setup of you hard drive I believe you are pretty much stuck with it.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I was leaning towards the RAM purchase, but just wanted to know my options.

Thanks again. :slight_smile: