Hard bootup error, unable to start system

Tech noob here. My system won’t boot all the way. See attached screenshot for error details. Anyway to fix this? I’m using AMD Ryzen laptop TW Gnome Wayland.

Note, About 2 weeks ago I got a new display screen installed.

I tried to upload to imgur but imgur app not working.

Here’s the link to the screenshot in case the image failed to upload


Processing: 1000063229.jpg…

Problem fixed. I did a rollback to a snapshot I took right before I ran ‘sudo zypper dup’ this morning. Apparently today’s TW update has a severe bug.

Once again, Thank Goodness for Snapshots!!! I Love Snapshots!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll wait a while before running ‘sudo zypper dup’ again.

A small remark though.

On these forums we suggest https://paste.opensuse.org/ for uploading images and long computer texts. Many members here do not like it to go to commercial sites of the kind you (try to) use above.

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As I read it, this is not solved, but you found a by-pass.

When nobody reports it, a new Tumbleweed snapshot will probably still have the problem. :frowning:

Good reminder. Thanks.

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