Hanging on Login

Hello all

Complete newbie to openSUSE, it was going rather well and installed absolutely fine. Then i fiddled with the display settings to see if i could make the interface bigger, as my monitor’s resolution is quite high. After upping it from 1.0 to 2.0 and restarting, I can only get to the login screen. If I attempt to login to KDE, the loading bar fills up and then nothing happens.

The system had rebooted a few times successfully up until now so I do think this is a problem with the settings that i’ve messed with. Asides from running the software updater after instillation, nothing else has been altered. Could anyone advise on how I could go about rectifying this?

Many thanks.

Not knowing which setting you played with it is hard to say. Also we don’t know what video chip or driver you are using???

Maybe try to boot to one of the fall back drivers.

At boot enter an e

this will start the boot edit mode

find the line that starts with linux or linuxefi go to the true end of the line (it wraps) enter a space then nomodeset press F10 to continue boot.

If that works reverse what ever you did. The resolution will be terrible but hopefully usable to fix things. Without knowing the hardware it is hard to give more guidance. The confiscated all the crystal balls

note the above is not permanent and only works for one boot