i just read a post by someone wanting to watch the olympics on NBC but can’t
because it uses M$-Silverlight…
and, went to http://silverlight.net/GetStarted/ and see that they have downloads
for Windows[tm] and Mac[tm] but not for Linux (no surprise, right!)…
and, had a lightbulb turn on over my head (maybe): since Mac has moved to the
x86 chip, and is a kind’a *nix-under-the GUI/hood-thing now, couldn’t some smart
hacker build a software conversion/repackager thingy that would convert free Mac
software to something we could use, just like ‘alien’ can convert Debian’s *.deb
packages to Red Hat’s *rpm packages we can use’em??
DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark
Unfortunately Monex the Moolight page says “Note: These are currently built without multimedia support. No video or mp3 playback is enabled on these binaries.”
Silverlight is just another M$ way of trying to get everyone to use their software.
We are Microsoft, You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile!
I have moonlight and I don’t think it works half as good as silverlight. I like your idea tho DenverD. So, all the programmers in the world please help us out here!
OSX might be *nix under the hood, but the hood is 100% proprietary, and Apple will have you sent to jail for even suggesting such a thing…
OSX apps are, for all intents and purposes, just as closed and locked to their platform as Windows apps are. Maybe even more so, since at least Wine exists for running Windows apps on non-Windows platforms. You’d probably have better luck with that for using the Windows versions of silverlight, rather than someone trying to get the OSX version running.
Personally, I think Flash and Silverlight amount to vendor-lockin 2.0. By the time we wrest ourselves away from having to depend upon a particular OS platform and start basking in the glory of choice and openness, we’re going to find ourselves conveniently locked into a web-platform. Six of one, half dozen of the other.
I would not mind silverlight so much if it were cross platform rather than Windows and Mac only. The more websites start using silverlight (and they will) the more Linux is left out. It stinks I tell ya!
Where is the european court? Time for another lawsuit! :rolleyes:
“Hey those guys are using something that makes their websites / service un-useable to us - you need to force them to do this and that”.
Where does the much touted “freedom” fit in that equation? Companies should be free to choose the technology they employ to provide their services - whilst it may “suck” that you cannot view their content, it’s THEIR choice not to consider you as customers.
Do a quick search on google for “moonlight ffmpeg”… Looks like there are some patches available, but I haven’t tested this… I think silverlight is anti-opensource… binary codecs? No thanks.
Although if an ffmpeg implementation works 100% with all silverlight content, then I might give it a shot.