Guidance needed with reinstalling openSUSE and preserving /home partition

I’d like to reinstall openSUSE 11.3 on a pc and would like to preserve the /home partition. The current partiton structure is

sda1 /boot
sda2 /swap
sda3 /extended partition
sda4 /
sda5 /home

When the installer gets to the point to set up the partitions it offers something like

sda1 /
sda2 /swap
sda3 /home

I’m not sure which option to take now. I assume I choose the option to edit the partitions but I’m not clear how to preserve the /home as it’s now got a different partition number or does that no matter as long as I choose not to format it? Also, to replicate the original partition structure I’d need to delete the partitions and add them in the correct order but would that destroy the /home?

I’m a bit confused with how it will work.

You should select “Create partition setup” and not the setup’s automatic choice. Then you’ll will find your partitions, format and mount the ones you need ( /boot and / ) and mount /home without formating it.
BTW You were right to ask before. :wink:

Thanks. I’ll give that a try.