Gsync does not activate on all emulators

I have an nvidia card and a gsync monitor on TW, stuck at 550 drivers. I activated gsync and gsync indicators (blit, vsync, top left monitor corner). Allow flipping, sync to blank are also checked.
The issue is that it is not activated on all the emulators I use, while it is activated on the same emulators on Windows.
On TW the blit font remains red.
So far the only emulators that I could activate Gsync (full screen only) are Mame, Snes9x from flathub and Dosbox Staging (appimage). Blit becomes green at fullscreen and motion is smoother. I test the Rom of Samurai Showdown 2.With Gsync on, shadows should flicker ultra fast. Which happens in mame yet not in Retroarch.
However emulators like Retroarch, Duckstation and Pcsx2, despite having options for VRR monitors and Gsync, refuse to activate Gsync on TW and blit remains red.
Has anyone any better lack with Gsync or Freesync and can confirm whether it works on Retroarch at least? It must be either the 559 drivers or that the lack of proper fullscreen exclusive mode

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