Gsutil on Leap 15.5?

Hello! I’m runninng Leap 15.5 on a GCP VM, and surprisingly it’s missing al gsutil tools. I’m trying to find where I can find any repo or download but no luck.

Any pointers?

@marianodaniel Hi and welcome to the Forum :smile:
Have a read here it’s not packaged for openSUSE and since Leap 15.5 is almost end of life…

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Thanks for the welcome message! :people_hugging:
Oh dear! I was under the impression that since some openSUSE packages/repos are a bit cryptic (in my experience) there was some workaround to get it to work.

I guess then we can close this one as resolved and I’ll stick to Google Shell on browser. No harm in asking!

Thanks a lot Malcom!

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