Gstreamer, w32codecs, encrypted DVD playback.

I’m having serious problems getting all this to work. I’ve been a Ubuntu user. I was particularly impressed with the 3D support, installation was polished openSUSE is a good distribution. My only problem is the above.

Can someone be so kind as to give a step by step guide to installing the gstreamer plugins, w32codecs and encrypted DVD playback. The web based community install way, seems to go in circles also, I get conflication issues. I’m using KDE 3.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.

Be sure to check Restricted Formats/11.0 - openSUSE-Community first.

Can you describe your conflict issues here ? It’s hard to help when we don’t know what’s the problem.

Maybe it ask you for changing vendor ? If yes, change it to “packman”.

I never use GStreamer, I always switch to Xine (libxine1 from packman) with KDE3 or KDE4.

Well, when I installed opensuse 11.0, gstreamer will automically installed. In opensuse, we can install any program easyly, by using yast2. But of course we have to add repositories first. If you want to search any software, just go to Webpin. You can find w32codecs there too. For playing encrypted DVD, you must install Libdvdcss from VLC. Also make sure that you already change the whole multimedia package (including the application, not just the plugin or codecs) that come from opensuse with packman’s (libxine1, libxinecodecs, kaffeine, amarok). Thats it.

chrispche, in addition to the good advice you have already been given, some general advice to help follow that advice.

Typically, after installing openSUSE and getting internet access to my PC, the very first thing I do with a fresh install, is apply a prudent and limited setup for Software Package Management, adding 4 and only 4 repositories (repos) such that software installs easily off the web. I recommend you add 4 repos. Only 4. Remove any others for now. Those 4 are: OSS, NON-OSS, Update, and Packman. Just those 4. No others. After you learn more about openSUSE and the risks associated with adding others, then you can add more, but not until then. Start with 4. There is guidance on how to add those 4 here: Repositories/11.0 - openSUSE-Community Again, only OSS, NON-OSS, Update, and Packman. Remove videolan if you have selected it (the only app you need from videolan is libdvdcss2 - which is needed for encrypted DVD playback, so you could install libdvdcss2 before removing videolan).

Then once those 4 repos are setup, you can go to YAST > Software > Software management, and replace the crippled Novell/SuSE-GmbH gstreamer with the Packman packaged versions. You can also install the Packman packaged: w32codec-all, libffmpeg0, smplayer, libdvdrecord3. Install the openSUSE libdvdnav.

Installing libffmpeg0 will result in other apps (dependencies) being installed which will provide many codecs. w32codec-all also provides many codecs.

If you decide to install kaffeine then install the packman packaged version, plus replace the crippled Novell/SuSE-GmbH lib-xine with the packman packaged libxine1. Note when replacing xine-lib, you need to mark it for removal, and then before removing it, mark libxine1 for install. That will solve some dependency problems you may encounter.

Good luck.

I did this, it came up with a prompt to Search for suitable codec? I installed them all, and now I can’t play a file in Kaffeine the prompt search for a suitable codec. Comes up again.

Can I not install these manually?

Thanks for that I’ll look into it.

Just a quick note to say thank you. It’s working now.

I installed another version Linux out of curiosity. Now I have re-installed openSUSE I can’t get these codecs to work. I just keep going around in circles again. I followed your instructions. What is wrong do I have to re-install openSUSE again?

What is your question? to re-install openSUSE ? or re-install your Gstreamer, w32codecs, encrypted DVD playback ?

What you need to do is:
a. setup your repos (do not use 1 click install EXCEPT for libdvdcss2),
b. replace Novell xine-lib with Packman libxine1
c. install Packman libffmpeg0 (not the videolan libffmpeg0)
d. install Packman w32codec-all
e. install Packman kaffeine and Packman vlc
f. install videolan libdvdcss2
g. install Novell libdvdnav and Pacman libdvdread3

It should be quick and easy.

If you can’t remember what you do from install to install, you really need to take written notes. I always keep a notebook next to my home PC, noting what I do.

Cheers, I made a note of it this time. :slight_smile:

It was pointed out to me on another thread that the one-click install of libdvdcss2 does not work. :frowning:

Hence instead (if one’s PC is for 32-bit) I recommend one go here Restricted Formats/10.2 - openSUSE-Community and note the command in white font with a back back ground (starts with " su -c … " ) and send that command. I know it states for 10.2, but it is architecture independent and it will work on openSUSE-10.3 and 11.0.

I believe 64-bit users need to find the libdvdcss2 source rpm, and rebuild it.

Been right through this twice.
After installing SuSe 11 Gnome I had lots of repos. I removed everything but the four recommended and tried to follow instructions but no go.
I reinstalled and then did nothing but follow instructions here before doing anything else but I have no sound in Banshee and an error message in Totem telling me I don’t have the codecs.

I have SuSe 10.3 running perfectly but I seem to remember only installing a meta-package but I may be mistaken.

Can you suggest any way I can check what is missing?

I am using SuSe Gnome 64 bit…could that be the problem?

I don’t have Banshee nor Totem. I do not know what sound engines they use.

If they use gstreamer, you should also update that off of the Packman repository.

You could check the codec. If the file is called myunplayablevideo.avi, then type:
file myunplayablevideo.avi
and see if that tells you the codec.

Can you play the video(s) with smplayer, xine-ui, or vlc (those are the players I use).

Possibly. I suspect you need to be consistent in your installation of 64-bit applications. I do not have 64-bit hardware, so I have no 64-bit experience.