I had tried to get my web cam to work with skype with opensuse 11.0 Insstalled gspca and could no longer use open suse 11.0 . At first it would go to the splash screen and the white bar would not move. Tried repairing, I think I made matters worse. Tried rescue. Screwed that up. Now I still am ask with os to boot. But when I sellect open suse it says hd1,6/boot/message/:file not found . When I put the image disk for my original install it says splash boot not found. This all happened when I installed gspca Cannot get into opensuse since then. It does give me the choice of operating systems. Windows works but opensuse hd1,6/boot/message/file not found>:(
Post more info, please: machine, disks etc.
Looks like there’s something wrong with your partitions. openSUSE says it cannot find it’s own file to display the bootloader. This happens when changes are made to BIOS disk order, moving partitions etc.
GSPCA is just a kernel module, shoudl not change anything in the files in /boot/grub so I think the problem is somewhere else, than you think. For instance: hd(1,6) means that openSUSE is on second harddisk, seventh partition. What did you change/try already to get the thing booting again?
You could try to boot from CD/DVD and pick the option ‘Repair installed sytem’
I have a compaq presario sr1726nx windows xp home edition. amd 64 2.19 ghz 512 memory. two hard drives 160 and 120 gig. install gspca opened skype and tried my web cam. cam still didn’t work. Thought maybe had to reboot. So I did. Menu choice came up and choose open suse got to green screen and it stayed there progress bar did’nt move nothing. Had to force the computer done. Restarted it same thing. Tried fail safe didn’t work same thing. I know I did something in the mean time because all I get after choice menu is hd1,6/boot/:file not found. Did try repair Says fstab error And when I try repairing It says dev/sdbd5/ creat mount mount point. I think iam doing something wrong in trying to creat mount point Because what ever name I change it to it says creat mount point. I also looked for lost partitons with repair tools. It says there is on but one has to be deleted to restore lost partition. I didn’t do that because I was afraid of losing info. Don’t remember everything I did but that’s the mian stuff. I am downloading 11.1. I was wondering try installing that or fix 11.0 before hand?
You seem a little unsure of what you have or haven’t done, with a little more clarity perhaps it can be undone.
With out knowing the disk structure and to a certain extent the things done, it may be difficult to determine the problem with out physical access.
Now generally when asked about disk structure and with boot problems, people would expect …
fdisk -l
Now you could place this material up and clarify exactly what you did and when it broke and how you installed the module. At the moment we know it is related to boot, and last thing done is a kernel module. Also when at the splash screen an escape will allow you to see what it was hanging at(No longer an option).
I suspect the easiest may be to install the latest or re-install. Then when you get to the camera bit again. If you have problems then you can …
Quite often the simplest solution is to append a 3 to your grub drop to command line open yast and undo what caused the problem.
Ok I could not get to anything yast, command line nothing. Anyways that is now water under the bridge. Tried installing 11.1. Did repair installed system. Did that. Still found problems. And 11.1 repaired them. When I rebooted after exiting repair tools and tried again to boot into open suse it would go to dos. Then dos would ask for login I could log in either root or user but it would remain in dos no desktop. So I ran repair again And it said boot loader problems It said tht all the time while I had proplems and tried to repair it with 11.0 but it never worked. Well like I was saying ran repair a second time with 11.1 and it said boot loader problem. I selected fix and it said it did. Exited out of repair and rbooted. No more selection for windows. So Could only choose Opensuse. So I did. Only dos again. Yes it would check configureations of online conections installed programs and so on. But no desktop. So I thought all my windows os and data was lost. I put in my windows xp recover disks. Cool all my data and programs came back. Also all the data on my secound hard drive was not harmed. No more open suse. Oh when I ran the recover disk I unhooked my secound hard drive put the first one back to master and my dvd drive to slave. After recover, rehooked up my secon harddrive and cdrom all slave. Master harddrive is on cable one with dvd. Second harddrive on cable two with cd. Now what I would like to do is put 11.1 on my secound harddrive if I can with out loseing my data on harddrive two. Can I do That?
If you boot into a live CD and open a terminal and type:
fdisk -l
what do you get for the output?
If you chose the default options for installing 11.0 then you will have 3 partitions for Linux. One for swap, one for /, and one for /home or /usr.
If this is the case then you can install 11.1 or even reinstall 11.0 without losing your data. But we need the output of fdisk -l first to see how your hard drives are set up.