Grub Rescue after deleting partition


First of all, Windows 7 x64 was the only install with a separate boot partition which was already on the Dell laptop. I then shrunk the partition to allow me to put opensuse on.

Then I made the stupid mistake of deleting the opensuse and boot partitions while in Windows. I was going to do this, copy pictures of my new born baby off then reboot and delete all stuff and redo all the partitions and installs again.

Now I just get grub rescue with the following when I do ls command:

(hd0) (hd0,1) (hd0,2)

I would like advise on how to get the data off, I cannot afford to lose my babies pics as there are no other copies. I will then do a normal install of opensuse first then Windows 7 after it.

Where did you store the photos, the windows partition?

Sorry yes, Windows Partition. I booted into Bart PE disc and it detects no partitions!!

To be more informative, if you have deleted linux, the grub bootloader can,t be repaired. You would normaly repair the windows boot loader to get windows working from there, however if you have deleted the windows boot partition, I am not sure how to repair this. All this assumes the data you want to salvage is on the windows partition. If it is, I would use a linux livecd to copy that data to a USB stick or external hard drive.
If the data is on a delelted partition, the procedure is different.

LiveCD, excellent idea. I shall download it then have a go. Thanks!!

Sorry yes, Windows Partition. I booted into Bart PE disc and it detects no partitions!!

I would download partedmagic Downloads burn it to CD and use testdisk TestDisk - CGSecurity from partedmagic to repair the partitioning. If you desperately can’t afford to loose data you should make an exact image of the disk with the command line tool ‘dd’ first.

Although, first, from that livecd, can you open a terminal and type

fdisk -l

that is a lower case L, and post the output