grub problem


I’ve installed 12.3 in my notebook and it works perfectly, except one problem: I’ve connect my notebook with a monitor while I was installing the system. Now I found that if I remove the connect from the monitor, the grub screen (menu for selecting which system we would like to login) looks very large and streached, I am just wondering, how can we solve this problem?

thank you very much

I suggest you use

Yast –> System –> Bootloader

and reinstall the boot loader. Make sure that the large monitor is not connected while doing that.

If that does not fix it, then do

# mkinitrd

as root, also while not connected to the large monitor.

I doubt reinstallation of bootloader will change anything. I’d rather suspect system BIOS that tries to stretch standard resolution to fill the whole (wide-)screen. I see more or less the same on my notebook during Windows boot.

But you can set the resolution for the boot menu in YaST->System->Boot Loader under “Boot Loader Options”. (normally that’s set to “Auto” I think)