Grub lost after laptop hardware repairs


Yesterday my 5 year old Dell Latitude laptop screen suddenly went blank. The Dell service centre guys replaced a motherboard chip and upgraded the Bios (the laptop is UEFI enabled). Now there’s no grub screen and the service guys told me to reinstall the OS as the hardware is fine.

The laptop came with Windows 10 only along with a recovery partition. When I installed opensuse I couldn’t remove the recovery partition but could remove Windows 10. I wonder if upgradation of the Bios led to some problems. So now if I put a bootable opensuse USB can I recover the installation? Could you suggest a method by which I can recover the Opensuse 15.5 installation?


When I’ve had that kind of issue I boot from the USB stick and select the 'boot from hard drive ’ option which then boots my installation and I can re-install grub from there.


Thanks for the suggestion. After booting using an OpenSUSE 15.5 bootable USB i managed to use the options for booting into the installed kernel. Then i used lsblk, blkid and a couple of other commands and finally reinstalled grub2 with the following commands:

grub2-install /dev/sda


grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Thank heavens that it was not more complicated, else i would have had to struggle a lot more.