Grow existing partitions configured in soft RAID1


i have a linux open suse 12.1 machine running on a ESXI server. I would extend the storage and grow it from 60 to 100 gig. Some partitions of the opensuse machine will be extended as well. The latter being configured in soft raid 1 modus. Could someone redirect me to a good tutorial or post some pipeline as how i should be performing this? Thank you very much.

cecemel wrote:
> Hello,
> i have a linux open suse 12.1 machine running on a ESXI server. I would
> extend the storage and grow it from 60 to 100 gig. Some partitions of
> the opensuse machine will be extended as well. The latter being
> configured in soft raid 1 modus. Could someone redirect me to a good
> tutorial or post some pipeline as how i should be performing this? Thank
> you very much.

check out the recent thread called “missing hard drive space… ?”