After reading the recent thread about using grep to return <match> + X following lines, would it be possible to use grep to recursively return the below or is a shell script needed?
X following lines
I have a directory, $WORK, which has several subdirectories. Each of these subdirectories has an identical filename that I want to use grep on but I want to echo the path to know which grep results came from which file (and it is the pathname that provides the unique file identifier since the filenames are identical).
and so forth. Not exactly the format you want, but if you just want to know where the matches were, it might do. Otherwise you can figure out a way to postprocess that output to the format you want.
That will work for what I want - maybe even better than my original thought - thank you very much!
A followup - doing that, the files will all need to live in the same relative hierarchy level? So if some files are */file and others //file I’d need to do
grep -A 2 */file >summary;grep -A 2 //file >>summary
replacing the 2 with the actual number of lines I want to trail, right?
I’m really interested in lines 10 - 20 after <match1>, a unique identifier in the original file. Line 9 always has <match2>, an identifier prior to lines 10 - 20, but it is not unique in the original file. Is there a direct way to use grep to get lines 10 - 20, or would I need to make summary as above (grep -A 20 match1 */file >summary;grep -A 20 match1 //file >>summary) and then do
I’m really interested in lines 10 - 20 after , a unique identifier in the original file. Line 9 always has , an identifier prior to lines 10 - 20, but it is not unique in the original file. Is there a direct way to use grep to get lines 10 - 20, or would I need to make summary as above (grep -A 20 match1 */file >summary;grep -A 20 match1 //file >>summary) and then do