graphic login configuration to process /etc/profile.d

I have some trouble when I use a graphic login on my workstation. The configuration files in /etc/profile.d are not processed. If I logon from a remote computer with ssh they are processed.

The problem seams not related to kde or gnome as it occurs with the two and with icewm too… I think it should be related to the X server startup. But I’ve no idea where to begin to search.

Any idea is welcome.



Sorry, I have not enough time now for helping you searching (will be away a few days), but as you asked for s starting point, I should start with /etc/profile. Inside there are calls to /etc/profile.d dependend on several things. I should first make a copy of this /etc/profile and then add some echo statements on strategical places to trace what is going on. Redirect the output to some file in .e.g. /tmp, so you can afterwards read what happened. Example of such a trace output:

echo "At line 123: PROFILEREAD=$PROFILEREAD" >>/tmp/profile-trace

Hi Henk, and thanks for your quick answer.

I proceed with adding some “echo” in the /etc/profile and /etc/profile.d files even if I don’t like to modify such files.

Your idea was very good and show me that I was searching in a bad way! These files are processed :shame: but some information is lost when using graphical login environment instead of ssh from a remote host.

The problem is in the file** /usr/share/modules/init/bash** (from the Suse package Modules-3.1.6-180.1) which is processed from** /etc/profile.d/**

The ‘module’ command is defined by a function:
module() { eval /usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*; }

This information is lost when using graphical login.
It is available after a ssh login or a manual processing of /etc/profile.d/

Any Idea how to solve this ?
May be should I open a new subject :\

I don’t even have a /usr/share/modules on my 10.3 openSUSE, so I can not recreate thhings here.

samontetro;1898063 Wrote:
> The problem is in the file* /usr/share/modules/init/bash* (-from the
> Suse package Modules-3.1.6-180.1-) which is processed from*
> /etc/profile.d/*
I don’t even have a /usr/share/modules on my 10.3 openSUSE, so I can
not recreate thhings here.

Henk van Velden

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