Back story:
I have tried to get Banshee to play nice with my Cowon D2. It works for a day or two and then anytime I plug in my D2 Banshee crashes and my D2 is not mounted. So installed GPodder and everything is fine till I try to use my D2 as a MTP. (I know I can use it as a regular file system but I want to try to get this working wihtout having to wipe out my D2.
Current Issue:**
When I go to sych my D2 with GPodder it states it cannot synch with MTP device and to install python-pymtp.
I tried:**
zypper: No Luck #zypper install python-pymtp
Google: No luck (Found a rpm on rpm search for Mandriva)
Build Service: No luck. Nothing found.
Now Trying: Forum
-Thank you