Going into swap way too frequently. Computer completely freezes until it leaves swap.

When doing anything, on any browser at random times the computer will go into swap and completely freeze until it leaves swap. I suspect it is related to java, since killing java has helped sometimes, but usually I cannot even get a terminal open to do so, it completely freezes my computer, and it usually happens on web pages, but I can visit the same sites on another distribution and not have any swapping at all and the swapping does not always occur. But it does occur quite often throughout the day.

There’s no reason for it to use swap, I have plenty of RAM.

Is it really swapping? Can you post the output of free -m and top during periods of increased swap activity? Also a screenshot of top or system monitor sorted by memory would help also hardware/ram information. I am swapping tells us only that you are reporting a problem, there might not even be one.

And tell us at least which version of openSUSE you are using. We are not clairvoyant :wink:

On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 17:16:02 +0000, stevithly wrote:

> When doing anything, on any browser at random times the computer will go
> into swap and completely freeze until it leaves swap.

Specifics are useful.

Like browser names/versions you’ve seen this on, and the version of
openSUSE, as well as things like the amount of physical memory and swap
space on the system.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C

On 08/01/2012 07:26 PM, nightwishfan wrote:
> -I am swapping- tells us only that you are reporting a
> problem

right, and while telling about your hardware (cpu, ram, brand/model,
age), also tell us about the software:

what operating system? what version? what desktop environment and
version? how did you get to the version (that is, is it the first
install of Linux, or did you have another disto first? did you format
and install openSUSE or ??) did it ever run like you expected and then
suddenly stop? if so, when did you install (one day, two weeks, three
months??) and how long did it do ok before the sudden change?

all of these things may have a bearing on your symptom of “computer
freezes”…the reason for which we don’t know yet (and won’t until you
show us the swaps causing it…as asked for by nightwishfan)

by the way things like top and free should be reported between code
tags, like explained here: http://goo.gl/i3wnr

oh, and please also show us the terminal input/output from

zypper lr -d
