GNS3, please help! cannot save any configuration!

Hi guys,

just installed 11.4_x64 and my main problem here is running gns3 since im studying for my CCNA Security certification.
iv installed GNS3 0.7.4 from the opensuse download package page and i downloaded the “1-Click Install” link is here: Search Results

question 1: is this a x64 version of GNS3 or a regular standard 32bit?
question 2: GNS3 is properly installed and configured, but i cannot connect the cloud to my physical lan and i cannot save any router configuration, when i input “copy run start” the router saves teh config but when i click “Save” in GNS3 nothing happens. usually i see something in the stdout of the dynamips bottom console. i can save the topologies but not the router configs, this is drastically important to my studies! i suspect permissions from my user, but i cannot see any group belonging to gns3 so im a bit confused.

please help me out here as i need this very badly to my studies!

any help will be appreciated!!!

On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 21:16:02 +0000, phantom74 wrote:

> question 1: is this a x64 version of GNS3 or a regular standard 32bit?

It’s a ‘noarch’ package, so it’s either just raw data or an interpreted
language of some sort. I am not familiar with the package itself, so if
you run it, it’s probably a perl script or python script rather than a
compiled binary.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

thanks for the reply jim,
ha man…that means i have to remove this and install the binary right?

On Mon, 08 Aug 2011 22:46:04 +0000, phantom74 wrote:

> thanks for the reply jim,
> ha man…that means i have to remove this and install the binary right?

Not necessarily, it may be that the ‘binary’ is nothing more than a
script that calls other programs (which are probably listed as


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

i see, i managed to install gns3 properly on 11.3_x64 but now i cant find a decent document to help me with it.
i can only find ubuntu-fanboys with their ubuntu-mania which is not helpful at all, deb packages, etc… nothing for opensuse 11.4 x64.

if you can help me with this installation i would be very much appreciated as i cannot afford to lose hours just to troubleshoot an installation and then more hours just to figure out why things are not saving or running and stuff like that, the time i have spare is really dedicated to study.

On Tue, 09 Aug 2011 00:36:03 +0000, phantom74 wrote:

> i see, i managed to install gns3 properly on 11.3_x64 but now i cant
> find a decent document to help me with it. i can only find
> ubuntu-fanboys with their ubuntu-mania which is not helpful at all, deb
> packages, etc… nothing for opensuse 11.4 x64.
> if you can help me with this installation i would be very much
> appreciated as i cannot afford to lose hours just to troubleshoot an
> installation and then more hours just to figure out why things are not
> saving or running and stuff like that, the time i have spare is really
> dedicated to study.

I’ve never had a need to use something like this - maybe someone else has
played around with it. A google search on gms3 turned up the official
website, which has a few tutorials - it says you need to provide your own
copy of IOS or JunOS (presumably for Juniper Networks’ stuff) - I don’t
have access to either of those sets of binaries, so even if I installed
it I wouldn’t be much help.

I’d suggest looking at the tutorials on the official site, they might
help - and it looks like they also host some forums.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

thanks for answering Jim,

my problem is not the IOS image files from Cisco, i have those and this is not my first try at this program iv used it before to study for the CCNA Routing & Switching, iv install it in OpenSuse 11.3_x64 and it was a pain really, but gns3 runs very differently on linux, performance is very different because of the x64 architecture, on windows there is only a 32bit version.
my problem now is that the tutorials i find are very old in their site and the new ones are for ubuntu only.

ill dig a bit on it, thanks mate.