gnome workspace switcher with openSUSE 11.1

out of a sudden now with openSUSE 11.1 ships a workspace switcher 2.24.1, no more offering that field “number of workspaces”.

with 11.0 and workspace switcher I use 5 columns and 20 workspaces, i.e. 4x5 workspaces.
I have been used to work like this for the last 10 years,
previously with enlightenment,
lately with metacity.

is there any other workspace switcher with the old behaviour?

I’m not a Gnome user but as far as I remember, if you have compiz enabled go to Control Center → Desktop Effects → Desktop tab, change number of rows and columns.

Well, I (re-)installed compiz,
but there are no “Desktop Effects” in the Control Center,
at least I cannot find them.

Press Alt+F2 and type simple-ccsm.