Gnome Shell notifications - wrong default applications listed

Strange issue with Gnome 3 on 12.1. I have been into System Settings/System Info/Default Applications and changed the settings to my favourite apps. However, I notice that if I pop a DVD or CD into my PC, the Shell notifications do not list my chosen apps. I get Brasero instead of Banshee, and Totem instead of my selected VLC, and so on. Is this normal, and how can I fix it? Many thanks.

I see the same behaviour you do. I suspect that this is the expected behaviour because what you’ve changed is the default applications used to handle certain types of files rather than what happens when you insert certain types of optical media. Try System Settings > Removable Media. I see the logic in your changing what you did though.

I suspect you’re right, but there must be a way to set the default applications in Gnome Shell’s notifications. Not much point in the notifications area if it’s not presenting the apps I’d use!

If anyone has any ideas please do let us know here. :slight_smile:

BTW changing System Settings/Removable Media just brought up the app without any notification at all. But thanks for the suggestion.

Bit odd. I changed all the settings in Removable Media to whatever my preferences were, then when I tried a CD it just went straight to Banshee as I mentioned above without notifying me. So I went back into Removable Media and reset everything to “Ask Me What To Do”, went back into Default Applications to check my applications were set, and now when I put a media disc in I get the correct notification! I actually get two notification dialogues. The first offer to view the disc via the file manager, and the second offers the correct preferred app. I don’t know why this should be all of a sudden, but I’m glad I get the right thing now.

Thanks for your replies all. :slight_smile: