Hi! I recently had to do a reinstall of my entire tumbleweed system. I did so basing my new user on my old user in the /home partition. Everything went fairly well, and after a few hiccups I am currently performing some minor tweaks.
I use Gnome rather than KDE because I’m more at ease with it, and I find that in the past I assigned custom icons to folders like Downloads or Documents, Music, etc.
When I want to reverse this in order to use the default icons for my chosen iconset, nautilus doesn’t seem to give me this option. :’(
Because the blank rectangles don’t look very pretty, I’d like to change this configuration and use the default icons again. Is there any way to do this? I’m sure there must be, but I don’t seem to figure out how to do it.
Go into overview and search for tweak (tweak tool is now a standalone app, right click and add to favorites as well), then in Appearance, on the right hand side you can select the Icon theme… Adwaita, or maybe it’s not installed?
Hi, Malcolm! Thank you for your kind reply.
I have tried to do that, but it only seems to work for the folders whose icons were not changed to custom icons in the past. This is why I think there is perhaps some configuration file that needs to be edited? But I cannot figure out which.
OK, so the info is in ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata but not editable… I would suggest creating a test user, make some changes etc and then go and delete the files, logout/login as the test user and see what breaks
Else if not many, perhaps right click and browse down into /usr/share/icons and select the appropriate new icon?
For the moment I think I’ll take the second option, but I’ll be sure to try the first one when I’m done with all the work I’m behind at.
Thank you once again!