I’ve been looking but I only found tweaks for Ubuntu and no real answer for Tumbleweed Gnome. So, is there a way to add a disk (or all disks) to the sidebar instead of having to click on “other locations” and then go to the disks?
Thank you for the reply. I don’t have such rules. I think on the contrary, they are automatically mounted on startup (if I recall correctly, this was what I’ve done after installing the distribution).
Even if I dismount the disk, it’s kept on the “other location”. Here is a screenshot just to make thing clearer (I would like that the 106GB and 341GB disks show on the sidebar).
Hmmm, it’s not what I see here, I removed sda4 from my ignore list, ran udevadm trigger and see the following in Nautilus here (sda_data in the sidebar);
Thank you again.
No I don´t have any tweaks, though what is gsettings? And what would I check there?
These are local drives and adding a test user didn´t change anything. I looked a little bit further and I came across (Ubuntu solutions):
But I don´t have the options they are mentioning to test them out.
Thanks! When added to favorite, it is now on the sidebar. I think it might be a problem when I did an upgrade or something, but since now it’s there with this trick, it’s all I needed. Thank you again!