I have a cheap Acer E51-511-C9XB notebook computer that I just got 42.2 GNOME installed. It installed well and I proceeded to update it, added the Packman repo (for codecs), and I noticed that randomly it just freezes, especially so when I use FF or any other browsers - heck sometimes it just freezes when I just make some changes to browser options (I have Opera, FF and Epiphany/Web installed).
I don’t use Gnome but Gnome is really resource intensive and those intel atom processors are meant for phones and/or tablets
you should try a lighter desktop like lxqt or lxde
I’m not sure how powerful the integrated graphic card on an atom is or if it has any acceleration
are you sure it ran windows 7 because as far as I know those atom’s can only run 8 and 10
maybe you’d be better off installing android on it, you can get a live image here http://www.android-x86.org/
use dd or rufus in dd_mode to make a live usb and try android
Hello i have a laptop with intel 2gen HD3000, and the bug/glitch/error is not external graphics cards is the it-self dedicated card and the solution that i find was this
i dont know why the ppl of kde fix a bug to enter to other, because in the 5.8 early versions, this error not exist and the 5.7 neither have this error, i am using leap 42.2 KDE 5.8.x, other solution i try and work too is change opengl [FONT=&][FONT=&]V.[/FONT]2.x to opengl V. 3.x[/FONT]
I cannot explain why - perhaps you can share your comments or insights? Thanks for the link to the Android distro - however I will use this machine to do some light scripting/automation and will be using a lot of LibreOffice for my work, so I guess I really need a full-blown Linux desktop now. As for XFCE - I will consider it since GeekoLinux has made it a lot simpler to deploy a smaller image.
Like @I_A said, try LXDE or LXQT on your installation. Or try XFCE, my favorite of the light desktop environments. Any of those three will perform MUCH better than GNOME or KDE on your hardware.
I hear ya, but the concern isn’t just RAM usage. Your CPU is extremely underpowered. That’s a very good reason to use a less resource-intensive environment.
As I mentioned similarly in the other thread you posted this in, I post the same here too: the backlight option should be commented out if you’re using the xorg modesetting driver instead of the intel … IOW, its an xorg intel driver option, not one (currently) applicable to the modesetting driver … see “man intel” and “man modesetting” for details