Gnome Desktop - Looking For a Reasonable 'Text to Speech' Software.

Hi All,

I am looking for a good text-to-speech’ software. Had installed ‘espeak’ and ‘espeakedit’ along with dependencies. But, even though the GUI opens, it keeps saying ‘need to install espeak’; whereas ‘espeak’ is already installed.

Is there any other such software for openSUSE?

Help would be much appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,


Would seem a few things are out of sync with espeak and espeakedit.

I grabbed the Education version and a linked version (devel repo only builds for Tumbleweed)

zypper in
zypper in

You also need to copy /usr/share/espeak-data to ~/ as well.

Thanks a lot malcomlewis. Shall work in the given direction and shall come back.



Hi malcomlewis,

Done and it is working, even though the pronunciation needs further development. I suppose it will happen in due course.

Is there a good grammar checking tool or extension for LibreOffice - 5.3? I have tried ‘scribens’ and ‘LanguageTool’ (LT) extensions but none of these work satisfactorily. May be the ‘education’ version of these will work better. But I do not know how to ‘grab’ those.

Thanks & Warm Regards,


  • [INDENT=3]you can use Grammar Checktool. its working fine and also it gives you character count as well. It supports 21 different languages.

Hi Laiq,

Have Leap-42.3 loaded.

I had LT extension installed in Libre Office- But it needed to be upgraded. While upgrading to Languagetool-4.1, the following error occurred:

"Error while installing extension LanguageTool. Open source language checker. The error message is: javaloader error - could not find class com/sun/star/comp/loader/JavaLoader
The extension will not be installed
I havejava-1_8_1 installed.

As for, it takes only limited text. It is annoying to keep reloading a long text such as a chapter of a book, in bits and pieces. [Help would be appreciated.
