i have a terrible internet connection(too slow and it keeps disconnecting all the time)
i had been using ubuntu for the past year, but now i wanted to switchover to some other distribution.
i had tried opensuse 11.0 but it didn’t detect my hardware then, so i had to go back to ubuntu. i recently tried debian sid(i want a stable system but the stable version is too old) but either the network manager wasn’t working or my hardware wasn’t detected.
i then tried opensuse 11.2. i don’t like the slab menu so i used the custom menu, but it seems that it isn’t too well organised.
also i didn’t like using yast either, using the available tools indivisually seems better. also there are plenty of applications preinstalled which i don’t use and other services that are started automatically on startup which i don’t require.
so i was wondering if i could do a custom installation which would require just the livecd and install gnome with it’s default settings and add the opensuse artwork(reminder: i can’t use the internet) and other applications available on the disk.(i want the system to look somewhat like a default debian installation)
ubuntu now seems to be aimed at absolute beginners
the kde version of opensuse is probably the best kde distro available(but i like using gnome, which i guess is obvious)
i hate fedora due to some reason
i don’t know of any other good gnome distro available.
so please help me out.
You can edit the install during the install setup
At the summary screen click on Software
Ignore the text I added here, it’s irrelevant to you really. But once here you can add and remove at will and it will tell you if it’s OK or Not!
i have just the gnome livecd, not the installation dvd.
i’ve been using opensuse for a day now and i totally hate yast. can i remove it?
(i changed the bootloader settings so as to include windows which it didn’t detect earlier. i restarted, got the windows option and booted in it, but when i restarted sometime later, i didn’t get the grub menu, it automatically boots in windows now. things seemed far better when i used grub directly)
or should i move on to some other distro?
Such prejudice as yours toward YaST is singularly strange and isolated.
YaST is a central part of the OS. Don’t even consider removing it. And FYI, YaST is probably the single most favoured part of the OS by many users.
Sounds like you borked the bootloader though.
I agree with caf about Yast. Debian’s Synaptic is similar to
some part of Yast. In my older debian’s sarge OS I did not have
Synaptic. Yast, though, has more than simply ‘Install Software’.
About opensuse-11.2 my experience is not that happy as with
the older opensuse-10.3. They have, unfortunately, removed
all the repositories for 10.3 since October 2009. 11.2 is also
slower than 10.3 or debian-5.0.4. My preference as of now is
debian-5.0.4 But opensuse-11.3 will be released in July 2010.
Let us wait and see how it turns out.
Do you have any particular problems with YaST? Finding a task, the interface? It’s simply a tool that centralizes management tasks. It’s not necessary to use it, but it’s usually one of the most highly regarded features of openSUSE.