Gnome authentication prompt doesnt work

I cant make any changes that requires administrator previleges because the authorization prompt does not work.
When i fill my password and press authenticate button, it just stopped at there unless I press cancel button.

I can’t use networkmanager since my network is on static IP and changing IP setting requires admin rights.
However some other auth like Yast is working.

Is there any way to get around this?

Have you rebooted recently?

The authentication depends on systemd. When there’s a system update that results in systemd being restarted, the commication involved in authentication breaks down, until you reboot.

Yes. But the problem is persistent across reboot.

However I do have systemd-related problem just before, as described in this topic (the driver has been uninstalled though).

I think ive messed up something deep there in the process.
Well, since I have just installed this anyway, probably its better to reinstall the whole OS than playing hit and miss patchwork.

Ok I made a clean install. But still, it does not work.:frown:

Are you modifying the “pam” configuration? If you remove “systemd-pam” from the default pam configuration, then polkit authentication won’t work.