I´m new to this forum and I really need help
I have a Asus1201HA (with gma500 graphic card)
But I can´t get opensuse 11.3 to work with that card.:’(
Please help someone
I´m new to this forum and I really need help
I have a Asus1201HA (with gma500 graphic card)
But I can´t get opensuse 11.3 to work with that card.:’(
Please help someone
Thank you.
But I can not see that they have a solution for the GMA500 graphic chips
well, I´m just a simple user and not a “hacker”
I have read somewhere that there is a repositorie (driver) for 11.2…wonder if I can be so luckey that there are one for 11.3 aswell?!
The GMA500 Poulsbo is a total mess under Linux. For example, this reference : [Phoronix] Intel’s Poulsbo Driver A Bloody Mess?](http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzAyOQ)
If you have the money, give this PC away to a relative and purchase a PC with more compatible graphics.
I note openSUSE-11.2, if you search, has various packages of drivers packaged for users who have the Poulsbo: software.opensuse.org: Search Results for poulsbo search
A similar search for 11.3 yields no hits.
But my recommendation is to dump this pc, as opposed to rolling back to 11.2, as even those 11.2 packages may NOT work well.
I note there is an openfate submission asking for openSUSE support for this chipset:
which references an old bug report here (where there was no solution):
There is a chance that Intel may be working on a Linux driver:
[Phoronix] Intel’s Special Driver For Poulsbo Uses Gallium3D](Intel's Special Driver For Poulsbo Uses Gallium3D - Phoronix)
… but thus far no such driver.
Hello and thank you very much for your answers.
this PC will be out for sales
did install Windows7 back on it…but who would like to use that???
I also have a problem with a poulsbo intel card. I was given the computer and buying an other is not an option
In fact, my problem is not that critical, as the card works with fbdev, but only with 1024x768, when it should be 1366x768.
xrander says it can’t do better.
Any idea to fix this?
In fact, my problem is not that critical, as the card works with fbdev, but only with 1024x768, when it should be 1366x768.
xrander says it can’t do better.
Any idea to fix this?
Thats the highest resolution supported by the fbdev (framebuffer graphics) driver. If you’re referring to a desktop computer, then comsider installing an ATI or NVIDIA graphics card for better display performance.
ok. It’s a netbook, no other card possible
The vesafb gives the same result
Hello again,
I was reading on intels home page about this problem,
seems like there are a solution? (I´m quite new on this so…this might be old stuff to you :- )
They say that there are a driver to the GMA500
Multi language: Intel-GMA500-5[1].0.0.0040.tar.gz
it this working?
All the best
Do they provide instructions and a dependency list for the build?
I wouldn’t hold out much hope if I were you. It sounds like a token gesture, rather than any concerted effort to support Linux.
oK, You might be right about that.
I do not know, but since they have made it to worked in other distros like Mandriva and fedora…but they maybe have writen another code?!?
I´m too new to Linux to understand it all.
Thank you for your reply
Honestly, as much as I’m reluctant to advise this way, I am realistic. But if SUSE doesn’t work for you and Fedora does, then use Fedora, it’s a great OS. Mandriva is down the toilet.
I´m going to try fedora this weekend just to see if it will work.
I understand that suse and fedora are quite the same?!
They are both Linux, they both use .rpm, they both manage the business and community side in similar ways. But actually Fedora is quite different to SUSE
You might find this useful
Fedora13 - Fedora Guide
Thank you, I have been using OpenSuse for sometime now and find it very nice.
but could be fun to try out another distro aswell.
I will check that link.
since kernel 2.6.39, there is a native support of the gma 500 poulsbo graphic card. Before one could only use vesa definitions, that is 1024x768 on acer one netbook, but now we can use the full 1366x768 definition (no 3D accel AFAIK). Use “kernel of the Day” (Index of /pub/projects/kernel/kotd).