When installing the development package „libglib-dev“, I am only able to link programs against the 64bit glib libraries when using the linker parameters provided by „pkg-config --libs glib-2.0“. When trying to link in 32-bit mode, the linker cannot find the 32-bit library. This occurs because the linker searches for the unversioned so-name of the 32-bit glib libraries. Compiling is only possible when adding a versionless soname symlink of the glib libraries in the directory „/usr/lib“. Regarding the 64-bit libraries the versionless soname symlink is already exisiting (provided by the 64-bit develpment package of glib2).
The missing symlink is only provided by the 32-bit gdevelopment package of glib2. But 32-bit and 64-bit packages are not installable in parallel.
What is the cause the 64-bit glib2 development package does not contain the 32-bit symlinks?
Best regards