When I am firing up GIMP (which I understand is a native GTK2 application) behaves weirdly. When I am hovering mouse over the tool icons, the tooltips that show up have white text on of white or almost transparent background, making the tooltips completely unreadable. Anyone knows a workaround for this problem? I looked up the web and found a solution for the problem but I guess it is targeted for Ubuntu users. Here is the link to the solution.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find the file that has been mentioned in this solution and hence, I am left wondering about how to solve this problem.
Okay, just installed GNOME desktop environment. Installed a few GTK themes including Numix theme. Switched to KDE desktop, went to system settings >> Application Style >> GNOME Application Style (GTK) and selected Numix Theme for GTK 2 applications and it fixed my problem.
Thought it might help someone else but my solution is not really a good one because people with less hard disk space may not want to install GNOME desktop environment and eat up precious space. I could afford that and so did that.
Thanks for the solution. I didn’t install Gnome desktop but only the Numix Theme. This didn’t work unfortunately. But hen I tried the Clearlooks theme which came in the default install and it shows tooltips!
If you configure your gtk themes in systemsettings5, it will create a .gtkrc-2.0 file in your /home/user
It is a hidden file so you have to enable the show hidden file in dolphin or equivalent.
That is what the link is pointing to you. With the gtk3 I did not tried to look-up so others might give you another pointer
regarding that.
There are also other GTK applications that show this problem. One is PDFMod.
I would prefer to stay with the GTK theme “Breeze” for consistency with my KDE Plasma 5 desktop.
Would it be possible to fix this theme to avoid the problem? Is it something that comes from OpenSUSE itself or is it upstream from KDE?
You’re not wrong, you have to adjust qt to partner with gtk colors if you don’t want to play with the gtkrc or css
in the gtk themes. That’s why I said you can’t achieve a 100% accuracy with those two.
Similar situation with GnuCash.
It has taken a lot of playing to get ‘hover text’ under cursor to be white on black and not white on white!
(Thanks for Gnome theme point.)
I Wrote too soon. The adjustment did not survive a reboot! So currently back to a white on white hover text! Still experimenting, as the above hints doe not contain explicit instructions.