gimp 2.9.x build fails with segv in gegl

Hi, I’m not sure whether this is the right place to post but I’m looking for help.
I’m looking to build the development release of gimp on leap_422 and have tried the current tarballs and a pull from git. I’ve built and installed under a local directory: babl, gegl, libmypaint but the build fails when gimp calls gegl to carry out some operations on icons and gegl SEGVs.
I’ve tried running gegl under strace, valgrind and gdb but under those conditions there are no errors. Adding some debugging lines it looks like the fault happens in gegl when the nvidia proprietary drivers are loaded (the fault is absent using nouveau).
I’ve submitted a bug report to bugzilla ( but wondered if anyone here has encountered a similar problem and whether they’ve affected a fix.
The nvidia driver README notes a common problem using dlopen() libGL and pthreads but libpthreads is linked in the gegl binary (one of their suggested fixes).

I’m a bit stumped :frowning:

For starters,
You only say there is no fault using the nouveau driver, you don’t actually say whether Gimp runs properly.

If there is a known problem specific to nVidia drivers, then you’ll probably get a response from the bug you submitted.
I imagine they’ll probably want to know if you build from <stable> sources (2.8) whether you see the same problem or not… That would help them identify whether the problem is related to a change in the nVidia driver or is something longstanding in the Gimp code.


Sorry, I should have said: Yes, Gimp 2.9 does appear to work properly with nouveau, but so far my main issues look to be with gegl.

Good point about building the current stable source. I’ll try and build that over the next few days and see how it goes. I was wondering whether anyone else had run into similar issues compiling 2.9.x (gegl 0.3)

It looks like the workaround is to preload the appropriate libs in the right order:

export LD_PRELOAD="/lib64/ /usr/lib64/"

problem fixed

Don’t forget to submit your finding to the Gimp project…