gfxmenu - new grub penguin design

I just replaced the winter scene with this, penguins still work too

Steps I took:

  1. open super terminal
  2. cd /boot
  3. mkdir message1
  4. cd message1
  5. cpio -i < …/message
  6. exit
  7. open /boot/message1/pback.jpg in gimp
  8. Used a background image 800 x 600 (same size as pback.jpg )
  9. Used gimp to design visual objects to align with those in pback.jpg
  10. saved out as flat image (no layers) as pback.jpg
  11. exit gimp
  12. open terminal again
  13. cd /boot/message1
  14. ls >> filelist
  15. cpio -o < filelist > …/message
  16. exit & reboot

Don’t know how to change the penguins positions but upon reboot
my new grub display comes up with the menu and penguins moving intact.

hope this is of interest.

Hello techwiz03 !

Got your thread-link on diving into Grub-manipulation.I´m very
interested in changing the background in Legacy-Grub,can you
offer any help on this topic ?



Hello !

Managed,all to work,don`t know,what I did before!



Don’t know how I missed your previous post, sorry. Glad you got it to work. I had planned to make a script that would do it on the fly with ability to switch between a series of backgrounds (maybe one for each month) but never got to it.