Getting started with HADOOP

We have an assignment in JAVA to perform on HADOOP.:
1.Word Count
2.Merge Sort
The professor showed us the execution on UBUNTU but I have openSUSE 12.3 installed and want to perform the assignment on opensusr only.
Please me help to execute the above programs in HADOOP (installing required packages or any other thing).
I have the programs with me.All I need is a tutorial or execution steps.

I am using NetBeans IDE 7.3

I am not sure anyone going to have exact instructions to give you to complete your assignment. I did find a few links that might help.

Getting started with Hadoop |

Running Hadoop On Ubuntu Linux (Multi-Node Cluster) - Michael G. Noll

Thank You,

Hadoop is on my near (not immediate) and intermediate list of things to set up in a lab.

Don’t know what your setup is, but am still building my foundation (OpenStack, KVM, LXC, Hyper-V)

If you want to either PM me the details of your setup or post publicly in this Forum Thread, I’ll consider skewing my build towards what you may be running.

Deeonding on exactly what you may be running, if your app is purely a Java app, of course then you only only need to make sure the proper JRE is running(are you running Map Reduce?) but you also need to configure networking to the other nodes.