Getting cron messages every 15 seconds

2015-03-18T13:15:01.488380-04:00 localhost systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)2015-03-18T13:15:01.533933-04:00 localhost CRON[15983]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T13:15:01.549386-04:00 localhost systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user root

This repeats every 15 seconds. Is it normal? needed? How do I control it?

It sure fills up my logs…


add more info…
it starts after you do what???
if this is a cron maybe you have a crontab added?


Check whether that is really every 15 minutes.

I get those every 15 minutes. And that has been the case for several years through several opensuse versions.

It is just “cron” running a regularly scheduled job every 15 minutes, and nothing to worry about.

If it is really happening every 15 seconds, then you might have a problem.

Here are the last 4 cases that I see:

2015-03-18T12:00:01.575296-05:00 nwr2 CRON[17880]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T12:00:01.589569-05:00 nwr2 systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T12:15:01.661093-05:00 nwr2 CRON[18542]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T12:15:01.672962-05:00 nwr2 systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T12:30:01.723129-05:00 nwr2 CRON[19285]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T12:30:01.735226-05:00 nwr2 systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T12:45:01.783833-05:00 nwr2 CRON[19982]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T12:45:01.794735-05:00 nwr2 systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T13:00:01.845141-05:00 nwr2 CRON[20693]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user root
2015-03-18T13:00:01.858074-05:00 nwr2 systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session closed for user root

As you should be able to see, that’s every 15 minutes, with two entries each time.

If you absolutely want to get rid of them, add to /etc/pam.d/common-session

session [success=1 default=ignore] service in crond quiet use_uid

Above session required

I personally do it because the cron spamming on a system with several different cronjobs running at once causes me cancer. I could just redirect all cron.* via syslog but I’m lazy :-p