As said, I am no NX user. You apparently are. I do not have anything NX installed, You apperently have. Since several posts I try to make you remembering that you installed something outside the standard installation that could be responsable for those IP table entries. I assume that you now realize that you needed NX for something, that you installed it, that you read the documentation, that you configured it, that you started it.
So because you know more about NX then I, you should take over. Maybe with the help of others here (and I see that deano_ferrari is jumping in).
I was just trying to understand where to look. NX’s installation didn’t include any particular question like “Do you want me to open port XXXX”. I will try to find info. Thanks again.
Well, as you use it, and as it is something client/server over the network, you should not be surprised that:
the server side (nxd) listens on a port (in this case port 4000 on tcp as well as udp);
creates some IP table entry to make sure it is reachable.
The second one is not realy coordinated with SuSEfirewall2 I am afraid. Or at least not with the YaST configuration tool for it. But you should be glad that YaST at least checks if it is the only one creating IP table entries and warns you.
Thank you all. I appreciate your help. I simply didn’t know what was causing the issue. Surely to work NX needs open ports. I will try to find how it opens them. Again - thanks a lot!
> The second one is not realy coordinated with SuSEfirewall2 I am afraid.
> Or at least not with the YaST configuration tool for it. But you should
> be glad that YaST at least checks if it is the only one creating IP
> table entries and warns you.
It is also possible that NX sees no firewall configured, so it does it
on its own. What it seems to do is to punch a hole in the firewall, kind of.