GeForce nVidia Drivers

Hi Guys

My Graphics Processing Unit is the {EVGA Geforce 8800 GTX}.

Can someone tell me what the correct drivers would be for my GPU ?

I’m having a hard time finding them :frowning:

Thank You.

openSUSE NVIDIA Driver Help

You may also download and install drivers from Nvidia’s web site:
Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers

The driver you should try is hda-intel. Already included in Alsa with 11.1. If you have not done so yet add this repository (with YaST) to get the most recent versions of Alsa.

I actually am in the resolution that I want to be in which is 1680 x 1050 ]

But I’m thinking, having the most up to date Drivers for my GPU would be a good thing … don’t you think so ?

I’ve just tried installing the latest drivers and I get this:

ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING.

The NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at

What is X Server, and how do I exit it ?

Please help :frowning:

Brain dead this morning. What I gave you was for the Alsa diver. Not paying attention this morning that you need the video driver. Sorry about that.

Hi PCCrouch

Its ok, I have downloaded the Latest Video Drivers from nVidia’s website, but when I try installing … I get the following:

ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING.

The NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at Welcome to NVIDIA - World Leader in Visual Computing Technologies.

I’d greatly appreciate any help.

Thanks :frowning:

You need to log out from your GUI. Then do a Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a tty. Log in as root. Then enter the command init 3 (run level 3). That will shut the Xserver down. Now try to install your drivers (cd “/path/to/driver/file”). If all goes well all you should need to do is enter the command init 5 (run level 5) to restart the Xserver and the new driver should initialize properly.

xserver is the graphical (gui) in Linux

To exit log out and choose console login in the menu at the bottom left of the login screen

However an easier way to get the drivers is use the one-click here.
That way you will not have to reinstall the drivers if the kernel is upgraded


You may also want to read the SuSE installation notes found here.

Nvidia Installer HOWTO for SUSE LINUX users

Thanks geoffro

I did it the one click way … it said Installtion Successful.

Is there a way I can check if all the correct drivers are operational ?

In kicker (start menu) type nvidia-settings in the field at the top and you can open the nvidia control panel.


Also, if nvidia driver is loaded, when the machine comes to graphical mode while booting, it will display a splash screen saying nvidia.

In a terminal type: lsmod | grep nvidia

This should give you at least one “nvidia” result